We are just a group of average disc golfers who want to get more involved in the disc golf community. We’ve all been playing less than 2 years but are wildly addicted to the game and here in North Carolina we can play pretty much 12 months a year so we’ve gotten a lot of rounds in and hit a lot of trees in the process.
The five of us are involved in various parts of the online disc community but have still found it hard for the newer disc golf player to understand discs, techniques, and the rest of the nuances of the game. Hopefully this site will help grow the game and help people of all skill levels and experience enjoy disc golf more.
The Five Now Six Guys (who like burgers and fries):
Evan – The obsessed one. I played my first round at a short local course (nothing over 280) with a few friends who played in college and promptly shot +18 and was hooked. I ran right over to the local play it again with one of the friends and asked which disc goes the farthest. Friend checked out the Universal flight chart, found a Champion Boss and had me buy it. Shockingly, I couldn’t get that thing to fly straight at all throwing back-hand so I spent the first 6 months of my disc career throwing that Boss forehanded into trees. I started reading more and more online and got myself a Roc and have been working on my backhand ever since. I now shoot around -5 on average at that same short course, which I play daily, and have a collection of 50 or so discs that I’ve bought, found, traded for and have been gifted. I spend at least an hour or 2 a day reading on disc technique, watching disc youtube videos or browsing r/discgolf/. Yea, I’m obsessed.
Blake – Mongo throw hard. Ironically, the most mild mannered of us all but all he wants to do is throw it as far and as hard as possible. If he can throw one of his putters on a hole he will and as long as we’re at our local short course he will throw those putter great. His practice swings are smooth and technically sound but put a disc in his hand and his face will grimace up and he’ll rip through a disc with all the torque he can muster up. Even though he’s quick to laugh at himself if he Gatskees enough putts you may see him put a foot to the bag. Speaking of putts, he’s also the most likely of any of us to drill a 50+ foot putt at any given moment.
Ehren – “The Human Pitching Wedge” I’m the only one of these numbskulls that had to write his own “who we are”. Sooooo, I’m better than everyone (I’m not). I’m longer than everyone (I’m not). I make more putts than everyone (I don’t). I suppose I’m the typical middle of the road circle chucker. I’ve only been playing for about a year but was addicted after just one round at the same course Evan first played. I’m average length off the tee, decent with upshots, better than average at putting, and never afraid of a roller or random utility shot from the gunch. I’ve also been known to jump putt whenever the hell I can since standing upshots and I don’t get along. I make a lot of pars, not enough birdies, and tend to avoid doubles or other complete bed sh!tting on any given hole. The Pitching Wedge nickname came from my propensity to throw drivers straight up in the air whenever trying to get some added distance. Ask Evan who enjoys standing directly behind me and one-finger-Babe-Ruth calling it when I confidently state that “I’m gonna throw this hard as hell”.
Josh aka “Gatskee” – Wait… you mean we have to actually keep score? I am a little over a year into playing disc golf and just as obsessed as the rest of these yahoo friends of mine, only not as good. It’s not for a lack of trying, but I just like to throw things. My bag is full of mostly drivers (cus they are awesome!), a few mids, and a couple putters just for show. I buy a lot of discs and am a sucker for cool, unique stamps. I like to think I know what I am doing since all disc golf advice usually ends with the phrase “…but do whatever feels comfortable for you.” (which is code for ‘I’m just guessing’). I’m actually a pretty athletic guy who grew up playing soccer, baseball and tennis. More helpful is probably the painful truth that I am not one of those tall-ish skinny guys with long arms. I’m a short, fat, Hobbit-sized human with short arms and a good temper. I have to actually work for my distance! I throw RHBH, but my longest throws come from side-arm. I have no idea how far I throw. Drivers (when they don’t get interrupted by trees) end up in the 300-350 range. I only putt when I am forced to. If I can hang around par for a course, I’m good. Well, that and as long as I can beat Blake. I like beating Blake.
Alek – They make discs other than mids? I started disc golf a little over 2 years ago, and I’ve been hooked ever since. In that time I’ve improved my mid-range and upshot game immensely. The rest? Eh… not so much. I love the sport, but I find it difficult to take anything very seriously (ask any of my ex-girlfriends). To me, this is about going out with a group of friends, enjoying some gorgeous weather, getting some exercise, and just having a good time. I throw RHBH (my forehand is coming along miserably) and I generally stay away from drivers unless shot-shaping/distance demands it and I’m admittedly addicted to Classic Rocs in every plastic. For reference, I throw my putters out to around ~230, mids out to around ~320, and drivers anywhere from ~320 to the very rare ~400 mark.
Chris – Iso, The veteran who is the worst of us all I’m the guy in Evan’s profile that had him buy the Champion Boss on his first day. To be fair, 1) I am also one of the guys who dragged him out to play his first round and 2) I didn’t know any better. I’ve been playing for about 12 years now though never consistently. I played frequently in college, but that was mostly an excuse to grab a cooler and hang out with friends for an hour or so. Then I went 4 or 5 years without touching a disc before getting back into it with the guys on this site. At first I impressed them all with my +8 rounds at the local short course, but a year later I’m still shooting that +8 while they are all under par. I’m a lefty, I was almost exclusively a forehand thrower until the past few months. Once these guys started getting good I decided to try to learn some “technique” on how to “properly” throw a disc. It’s been a slow process as I play the least out of any of us, but I have fun with it and keep showing up for those two or three great tosses a round.